Posts in news
weekly roundup // 9.15.19

I’m very sporadic on these weekly roundups, and I feel like I’m explaining that every time I post. I’m going to be trying out doing these every other week to see if that fits into my schedule more. I enjoy doing these, because it forces me in a way to really keep on top of what’s out there and I do enjoy that aspect of being able to see what’s going on news wise in Hallyuland.

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weekly roundup, newsJessieComment
weekly roundup // basically all of august

I’ve been slacking on updating all the news that I’ve found interesting for the past couple of weeks, between starting back at work (and my life of unlimited free hours went away), the Monsta X concert/Noonas camping trip, and just general life stuff I haven’t been able to find the rhythm of incorporating the news posts and let it slip last month. BUT I have been keeping up with the news this month fairly regularly so I figured I would do a post of all of the especially interesting ones to catch up on everything (and I can clear out all of these bookmarks).

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weekly roundup, newsJessieComment
weekly roundup // 8.4.19

First week back at work, so I’m sure I missed some news and didn’t get to see them. Especially with twitter being annoying and not showing all my followers on my phone. Makes things harder. I’m moving back to only linking and commenting on castings that I personally care about as opposed to keeping up with all of it. I don’t have much time and I enjoyed that format better. Look in the links section for them.

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weekly roundup 7.21.19

I didn’t realize so much casting news had come out until I started putting it into the section. A lot of fun movies and dramas coming out in the future. It was also a pretty hectic week news wise, even though I was busy and not around to catch everything that popped up there’s a pretty sizeable list.

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