Posts in news
Weekly Roundup // 8-26-18

Listen. I know it's been two months since I've written anything and I'm very sorry. I'm back at work, and I am going to do my best to find a good schedule to stick with this site because even though it might not seem like it, I really enjoy it and want it to grow more than just a couple of posts. If you really want to know what's going on with me, I am most active on Twitter and it's the best way to know what I'm doing and what I'm watching, but am hopeful that I can stop procrastinating and write more.

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Weekly Roundup // 7-1-18

I can't believe that it is already July!

My summer is wrapping up this month, and to finish off this month with a bang I have decided to do a massive drama marathon. I am going to watch as many dramas as I possibly can, and also catch up on my watchlist - hopefully. I'm sporadic and jump around a bit but my main goal is to watch as much as I can and focus on that.

Now, onto the news stories of the week that I thought were interesting!

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Weekly Roundup // 6-25-18

I'm trying to get better at a schedule with posts, but I'm terrible with that sort of thing and it's been going slow. I still have a month left of my summer vacation (aka, off-contract at work) and so I'm hoping by the time I go back I have a better schedule and am not missing weeks of not posting things, so please bare with me.

I've been really impressed with the people who are on top of current events in Hallyuland, and I thought it would be fun to have a weekly post where I write about some of the things I saw during the week that I wanted to discuss more, and in turn make myself know more of what's going on, so each week I'll try to do a round up of some of the stories that I saw and comment more about them. I'll never be able to have the dedication to be so on top of current events, but I think it will be a fun exercise (and show you more about what interests me).

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