31 Days of Asian Horror

Happy almost October!

While it’s spooky season year-round here, the Halloween season warrants special posts and this year I’ll be reviewing a different Asian horror every day leading up to Halloween. I tried to pick as much of a variety of movies and shows from different countries as possible, but I also wanted to keep it to things that are attainable and easily accessible. I’ll also be focusing on switching up the reviews from time to time with fun extras and behind the scenes and while most of the reviews will probably be spoiler free some of the movies and dramas will warrant a more in-depth look. As a means for me to narrow down what Asian horror that I was going to pick, each day of the week has a specific theme.



+ Retro Sundays: Retro is a bit loose, as the earliest movie is from 1981, but I wanted to focus on some older Asian horror from before the 90’s.
+ Drama Mondays: To switch things up and not just focus on movies, Mondays I’ll be reviewing horror dramas.
+ Film Maker Tuesdays: Movies that focus on film makers, whether it’s a main character or the movie is documentary style, will be up on Thursdays.
+ Wednesday Pairings: The focus will be on movies that have remakes (like my Ringu post) and maybe a double feature, comparing the two movies.
+ Thirsty Thursdays: While vampires aren’t too common in Asian horror, there are some options and Thursdays are dedicated to the blood suckers.
+ Creature Feature Fridays: One of my favorite genres, Creature Feature Fridays will be devoted to all types of creatures (except the blood-sucking kind).
+ Freebie Saturdays: Saturdays will be a freebie day for me with no set theme.


While I’ll most likely dial back on some of my regular and extra posts for the blog outside of these, I will still be doing Wine and an X-Phile posts on Fridays. I may throw in a special post or two time allowing. If you have any Asian horror movies you think I need to watch, or just want to talk about your favorite, let me know in the comments! I’m still going to be watching movies outside of the reviews, and would love to add to my watchlist.
