friday roundup: 12.20.19

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I actually haven’t watched any dramas this week. It’s all been trying to catch up from Chicago and doing other things that don’t really allow for me to watch subtitled content. I start Christmas break soon, and with absolutely no plans I hope to get some time to do nothing but watch whatever I want to.


-Two Netflix news things are new dramas that will be coming out. First, My Holo Love has finally been given a date and release. I’m not super interested in the plot, however it is a Chansung drama that has been up in the air on when it was going to be released, so I’ll check it out. Also announced was Lee Je Hoon in Move to Heaven. I really do like Lee Je Hoon, but I am going into this one wary because of the subject of the drama. I just hope it doesn’t go in a way that is disrespectful.

-Henry is in talks for the second season of Dramaland. I think this will be a really great fit for him, and I always like seeing Henry.

-Eight members of the OCN drama Tell Me What You Saw were unnecessarily injured filming a getaway car chase scene. The statement made by Studio Dragon is actually pretty terrible, as this was most definitely a case where this could have been avoided if they had even the least amount of safety practices already in place. I hope that this continues to be a story so that things change in the industry.


I got SUPER into the group Nell. Like really really, sucked in. I had heard of them before this, but what really got me was that Spotify suggested one of their songs on the Discover Weekly and ended up really liking , and then I decided to go to their page and after an hour of listening to them without skipping a song or switching over to someone else…I guess I’m really here now.

Nichkhun’s newest Japanese (but is almost entirely in English) mini-album is available on streaming. It’s a got some really nice winter songs, perfect to wind down for the night.


-Umu from the kpop react channel, React to the K, generally shares my same thoughts on songs, and tends to share my biases. It was no surprise that she also loves Young K as much as I do and put out a really great video for his birthday showcasing some of the reasons why she loves his voice. I agree with every point she makes. His voice and songwriting talent are what has made him a top favorite.

-Dreamcatcher’s SuA’s ‘Copy Cat’ cover is great. All their covers are great. Why isn’t this group more popular?

-Nichkhun ‘Story Of…(Japanese Version)’ is such a beautiful music video. It’s like an old movie and I loved every second of it.

-Band-Maid’s ‘Blooming’ is just confirmation that they are an amazing group.

-Solar from MAMAMOO has a cute vlog channel, and just uploaded an adorable video about her eating at JYPE when she was over there to rehearse for MAMA with JYP. She’s so funny in it, cause she’s so happy that he allowed her to do it.

-N.Flying did a cover of King Gnu and I’m DYING. They are coming for me, and I do not like it.

-Monsta X and Sebastián Yatra’s collab ‘Magnetic’ *chef’s kiss