Kdrama Newbie

I rarely post anything in this blog, so it’s not surprising that I haven’t made an actual announcement that I am on a podcast, but chances are you are coming here from twitter and already know that I’m part of the podcast Certified Noonas. Our last episode we strayed from our normal content and decided to do an episode dedicated to being a kdrama newbie. We talked a bit about some of our own personal tips and tricks with navigating this new world you may have found yourself in.

In the episode we discuss a ton of different things and figured that a sole blog post dedicated to all the links that we mentioned might be easier than just looking through the description on the episode.

The Certified Noonas massive list of all our specific links (including our personal twitters and social media for the podcast) can be found here.

Places to track your drama viewing: My Drama List, TV Time

Podcasts Mentioned: Drama Kandy, Noona Ya Business, The KThree, Fall for It. All of those podcasts are active on twitter, so make sure to check them out for more content.

Drama Current’s website and their twitter for the monthly #kdramachat.

Immy’s Daebak KPOP Radio and their twitter. The radio show happens every Sunday, but she uses twitter to get requests in, so follow both!

Youtubers: Outspoken Artistry and React to the K

After doing the podcasts, we realized there were some people and sites we left out, but I think this is a good initial introduction into some things that people may not have known about. Who knows, a part 2 might happen in the new year…

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